

Educational degree

Bachelor degree is obtained at the first level of higher education and awarded to the student by a higher educational establishment on the basis of the successful completion of the educational and professional program.
A person has the right to obtain a Bachelor’s degree which is provided if he has a full secondary education or the educational qualification level of a junior specialist.



Educational degree

An educational degree is obtained at the second level of higher education and is awarded to a higher education learner by a higher education institution as a result of the successful relevant academic curriculum performance. A Master’s Degree is acquired for the educational-professional or educational-scientific programs. The volume of the educational and professional program of training for the master’s degree is 90 ECTS credits, the volume of the educational-scientific program is 120 ECTS credits. A person has the right to acquire a Master’s degree in the presence of a Bachelor’s degree.



Educational degree

Educational and at the same time the first scientific degree obtained at the third level of higher education on the basis of the Master’s degree. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is awarded by a specialized academic council of a higher education institution or scientific institution as a result of the successful fulfillment of the corresponding educational and scientific program and public defense of the dissertation in the specialized academic council.


Admission rules

  1. Admission to study at the University of foreigners and stateless persons is carried out in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On higher education”, “On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons”, “On foreign Ukrainians”, “On refugees and persons in need of additional or temporary protection”, decree of the president of Ukraine of June 3, 1994 No. 271 “On measures to develop economic cooperation between the regions of Ukraine and adjacent regions of the Republic of Belarus and administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Moldova” (except for applicants from the Republic of Belarus), resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 12, 2018 No. 729 “Issues of obtaining higher education by certain categories of persons”, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 01, 2013 No. 1541 “Certain issues of organizing recruitment and training (internship) of foreigners and stateless persons”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 25, 2013 No. 2004/24536, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of December 02, 2019 No. 1498 “On approval of the procedure for setting quotas for higher education by foreigners and stateless persons within the limits of state order volumes in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of February 10, 2020 for No. 153/34436. Citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus who do not have a permanent (temporary) residence permit in Ukraine are accepted for training with an individual permit from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  2. Foreigners and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as foreigners) may receive higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, legislation or agreements between higher education institutions on international academic mobility. Admission of foreigners to higher education institutions for training at the expense of the state budget is carried out within quotas for foreigners (except for foreigners and stateless persons, in particular foreign Ukrainians permanently residing in Ukraine, persons recognized as refugees, and persons in need of additional protection). Quota for foreigners is a certain part of the volume of budget places that is used to accept applicants from among the:

– foreigners arriving for training in accordance with international treaties of Ukraine;

– foreign Ukrainians whose status is certified by the certificate of a foreign Ukrainian and who do not permanently reside in Ukraine.

Admission of foreigners to study for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy degrees is carried out on accredited educational programs. The university also accepts foreigners for postgraduate studies, preparatory department programs, study of the state language and/or language of instruction, as well as for postgraduate education, advanced training and internships.

  1. Foreigners who are granted state scholarships under international treaties, national programs, and other international obligations of Ukraine are accepted for training within the established quotas for foreigners on the basis of directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  2. Foreigners arriving in Ukraine to participate in academic mobility programs or to obtain higher education under the educational programs agreed between the University and foreign institutions of higher education are accepted for training taking into account the relevant contractual obligations of higher education institutions.
  3. Foreigners and stateless persons, in particular foreign Ukrainians permanently residing in Ukraine, persons who are recognized as refugees, and persons in need of additional protection, have the right to receive higher education on an equal basis with citizens of Ukraine, in particular at the expense of the state or local budget, with exceptions established by the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine or international treaties, the consent to be bound by which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
  4. Admission of foreigners to study is carried out full-time and/or remotely. To organize remote recruitment of foreign citizens for higher education, the University enters into an agreement with a partner organization that is a resident of the country of origin of applicants (Appendix 13). The subject of the agreement is the provision of services for identification of persons, verification of original documents of applicants, applying process, provision of premises and technical means for consultations and entrance tests by a higher education institution in a remote format. The University enters into agreements with partner organizations that meet all the requirements of Paragraph 3 of Section XIV “Procedure for admission to study for higher education in 2022”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on April 27, 2022 for No. 392 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated May 2, 2022 No. 400).
  5. Enrollment of foreign applicants for training at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities is carried out: 1) from August 01 to November 15 of each year for obtaining Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees; 2) during the year for postgraduate studies; 3) during the year for training in the programs of the preparatory department, as well as for obtaining postgraduate education, advanced training, internships, in the order of transfer and renewal; 4) during the year for training in academic mobility programs in accordance with the regulation on the procedure for exercising the right to academic mobility, approved by resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 579 of August 12, 2015.
  6. Foreigners entering the study must have a valid visa to enter Ukraine for the purpose of studying, obtained at the Embassy of Ukraine in the country of residence. The basis for applying for a student visa is:

1) the original “Invitation to study “(hereinafter referred to as the Invitation), established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine sample, which is issued by the selection committee of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education of the University or an electronic invitation to study (internship) (hereinafter referred to as the electronic invitation) – a letter formed by means of a single system containing a list of a certain set of data and sent by the selection committee of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education to a foreigner in electronic form,

2) documents on previous education, officially certified in the manner adopted in the country of residence of the Foreign candidate for training,

3) official confirmation of registration of the invitation with the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine (visa support), which is provided by the authorized state enterprise “Ukrainian State Center for international education”.

The selection committee provides recommendations on issuing an original invitation to a foreigner based on the following documents submitted to the University in paper and/or electronic form:

  • completed application of the established sample;
  • a copy of the foreigner’s passport; translation of the passport into Ukrainian, certified by the seal of the translation agency (if necessary);
  • a copy of the document on the level of Education received with grades (points) obtained in academic disciplines or an academic certificate;
  • translation into Ukrainian of a document on the level of Education with grades (points) obtained in academic disciplines or an academic certificate certified by the seal of the translation agency (if necessary);
  • written consent to the processing of personal data.

The submitted documents are considered by the selection committee. If they meet the requirements, then the completed invitation in electronic form together with electronic copies of documents is sent to the state enterprise “Ukrainian State Center for international education” for registration in the Electronic “Journal of accounting for invitations to study in Ukraine issued by Ukrainian higher education institutions to foreigners”. To issue an electronic invitation, a foreigner creates an electronic user account (hereinafter referred to as the electronic cabinet) in a single system, in which (s)he submits an application for an accredited educational program to the University in electronic form. The foreigner attaches electronic copies of such documents to the application by means of a single system:

– passport document of a foreigner or a document certifying the identity of a stateless person;

– translation of the passport document of a foreigner or a document certifying the identity of a stateless person into Ukrainian, certified by a notary or consular office;

– a document on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level and an appendix to the document on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out;

– translation into Ukrainian of the document on the previously obtained educational (educational qualification) level and appendices to the document on the previously obtained educational (educational qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out, notarized or confirmed by consular office;

– academic certificate issued by a foreign/Ukrainian educational institution (in case of renewal and/or transfer to study starting from the second year);

– translation of a foreign academic certificate into Ukrainian, certified by a notary or consular office;

– 3×4 cm color photo.

The selection committee analyzes the submitted documents for compliance with the requirements of the University for admission and, based on the results of consideration, decides to provide the foreigner with a description of the educational offer (a document formed in any form and sent by the institution of higher education to the foreigner as an offer of the institution of higher education, containing, in particular, information about the conditions of admission to the educational program, the period of preparation for it and the cost of training (internship)).

If a foreigner confirms the educational offer received from the University, the higher education institution forms an electronic invitation with the imposition of an electronic qualified seal of the higher education institution or a qualified electronic signature of an authorized person, which are registered in the single system. If necessary, it is printed and issued to the foreigner by the University. An invitation to study is issued within 5 working days from the date of receipt of documents by the selection committee. The validity period of the invitation to study is no more than 1 year from the date and at the request of the foreigner, the electronic invitation for his registration in the Automated System “Electronic Journal” of the state enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The issuance of an Invitation may be refused if an Invitation to a given person has already been issued by another institution of higher education and registered in the electronic journal. Registration of a second invitation to the foreigner may be allowed in the case of his written or electronic appeal to the authorized State Enterprise “Ukrainian State Center for International Education” (to which must be attached a copy of the foreigner’s passport document and confirmation from the institution of higher education regarding the granting of consent to the foreigner’s study ).

  1. Acceptance of applications for admission to the University with payment of tuition at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities and documents submitted by foreigners who are in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds, or by foreigners who are outside the territory of Ukraine and have a valid visa for entry into Ukraine (except for citizens of visa-free entry countries) for the purpose of study or have completed the procedure for legalization of education documents in the country of their issuance, begins in accordance with the enrollment periods specified in clause 7 of this section, in person and remotely.
  2. To obtain degrees of higher education at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities, the following are accepted:

foreigners who have completed general secondary education

– to obtain Bachelor’s degree;

foreigners who have obtained Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree

– to obtain Master’s degree;

foreigners who have obtained Master’s degree

– to obtain Doctor of philosophy degree.

  1. Foreigners and stateless persons who are in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds and have a temporary residence permit or a valid D-type study visa shall personally submit the following documents to the selection committee:

– application for admission in paper form;

– questionnaire of the established form;

– invitation to study (if available);

– passport document with a D-type visa for entry to study;

– a copy of a foreigner’s passport document or a document certifying a stateless person;

– the original and a copy of the document on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which the admission is made;

– the original and a copy of the appendix to the document on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which the admission is made;

– the original and a copy of an academic certificate issued by a foreign/Ukrainian educational institution (in case of transfer and/or renewal of studies, starting from the second year);

– the original and a copy of a document that contains information about the content of the educational program according to the previous degree (level) of higher education, received credits, duration of study and success in academic disciplines when entering to obtain Master’s degree or postgraduate education;

– a copy of the insurance policy for the provision of emergency medical assistance (except for foreigners who have arrived from countries with which agreements have been concluded on the provision of free emergency medical assistance);

– four 3×4 cm color photos;

– a copy of the identity card of a foreign Ukrainian (if available). The documents specified in paragraphs five to nine of this clause must be translated into Ukrainian with a notarized translation.

The documents specified in paragraphs six to nine of this clause must be certified in the country of their issuance in the manner that is officially used in this country for such certification, and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of Ukraine. The application and documents specified in this clause are kept in the personal file of entrants/students/listeners.

  1. Foreigners who have received an invitation to study, registered in the Automated System “Electronic Journal” of a state-owned enterprise authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, have received a set of information and consulting support services, and have also received an entry visa to Ukraine (except for citizens of visa-free entry countries) for the purpose of studying or have completed the procedure of legalization of education documents in the country of their issuance (performed legalization of the country that issued the education document at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA); performed legalization at the consular department of a diplomatic institution of Ukraine abroad (consular legalization or apostille)), can participate in the remote admission. Foreign applicants must send the following files of scanned documents (in PDF or JPEG electronic format) to the e-mail address of the selection committee:

– application for admission in electronic form;

– questionnaire of the established form;

– invitation to study;

– a passport document with a D-type visa for entry to study (if available);

– a passport document of the foreigner or a document certifying a stateless person;

– the original of the document on the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out;

– the original of the appendix to the document about the previously obtained educational (educational-qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is carried out;

– the original academic certificate issued by a foreign/Ukrainian educational institution (in case of transfer and/or renewal of studies, starting from the second year);

– the original of the document, which contains information about the content of the educational program according to the previous degree (level) of higher education, received credits, duration of study and success in academic disciplines (in the absence of this information in the appendix to the education document), when applying for Master’s degree or postgraduate education, if the lack of this information makes it impossible to recognize the qualification according to the document;

– four 3×4 cm color photos;

– a certificate of the foreign Ukrainian (if available).

The documents specified in paragraphs 5 to 9 of this clause must be translated into Ukrainian and certified by a notary public or the relevant consular institution. The documents specified in paragraphs 6 to 9 of this clause must be certified in the country of their issuance in the manner that is officially used in this country for such certification, and legalized by the relevant foreign institution of Ukraine, unless otherwise stipulated by international treaties of Ukraine. Copies of the documents specified in paragraphs 6 to 9 of this clause must be notarized. The foreign entrant must send the documents specified in this clause, including legalized and notarized copies of documents on previous education, to the selection committee by postal means. When crossing the state border of Ukraine for the first time and after arriving at the university, the foreigner hands over the original documents in person. The partner organization sends the study contract and the contract for the provision of paid educational services, which are signed by the foreigner in the premises of the partner organization, by post to the selection committee, within ten calendar days from the moment of signing the last contract. The documents will be kept in the student’s personal file. The Selection Committee reviews the applications and documents of foreign applicants and makes a decision on admission to participate in the competitive selection for admission to study at the University within 5 working days from the date of receipt of paper documents or, in cases of remote admission, their scanned copies.

  1. Enrollment of the foreigner to study for Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree in medicine) is carried out on the basis of a document on the previously obtained level of education based on the results of entrance exams in oral, test or mixed form and on the basis of academic rights to continue studies, provided by the document on the level of education obtained in the country of origin, and taking into account the success points that give the right to continue studying at the next level of higher education in accordance with the legislation of the country that issued the document on the level of education.

If foreigner submits a certificate of completion of the preparatory department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education and enroll in an educational program (specialty), the language of which is the same as the language of instruction at the preparatory department, then by decision of the selection committee of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education, such entrants may be released from the oral entrance exam in the language of instruction. When determining the results of the competition, these certificates are equated to the results of the oral entrance exam in the language of instruction with the score in the language of instruction specified in the certificate of completion of the preparatory department.

  1. Enrollment of foreigners to study for a master’s degree is carried out on the basis of a document on the previously obtained level of education based on the results of entrance exams in the form of an exam in the language of instruction and professional entrance exams.
  2. When applying for distance learning, the foreign applicant takes the entrance exams through the online platform in the premises of the partner organization. The partner organization stores information and video materials for five years, and also transmits video materials to the University through online platform
  3. Admission of foreigners to study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is carried out only for accredited educational programs. Foreigners also to submit additional documents – an essay on the chosen scientific specialty or a list of published scientific works and inventions officially certified by the candidate’s place of work/study.
  4. An appeal on the result of the entrance exam is accepted upon written application of the entrant on the day of announcement of the results.
  5. Foreign entrants, after the selection committee has made a decision on recommendation for enrollment in accordance with the term specified in clause 7 of this section, must conclude a study contract between the University and the entrant. This contract is the basis for issuing an enrollment order. Foreigners who are enrolled for studies at the expense of individuals and/or legal entities must additionally, within 10 working days from the date of the enrollment order, conclude an agreement on the provision of paid educational services between the University and the natural (legal) person who orders a paid educational service for himself or for another person, assuming financial obligations for its payment. In the event that the contract is not concluded within 10 working days from the date of issuance of the enrollment order, this order on enrollment is canceled in terms of the enrollment of such a person. Tuition is paid in accordance with the contract concluded by the parties.
  6. Enrollment of foreigners to study at the preparatory department is carried out on the condition that they have a document on complete general secondary education obtained outside of Ukraine, and based on the results of the competitive selection of documents submitted in accordance with paragraphs 11, 12 of this section, which is conducted by the selection commission.
  7. In case of successful completion of the preparatory department, the foreigner receives a certificate of completion of the preparatory department.
  8. All categories of foreigners enrolling in studies are admitted to the University on the basis of enrollment orders. Confirmation of the fact of training can be a certificate issued at the Unified State Electronic Database on Education.
  9. The University informs the authorized state enterprise “Ukrainian State Center of International Education” about foreigners who have arrived to obtain a relevant degree of higher education, to complete an internship, to study at a graduate school, doctoral school, at a preparatory department, under academic mobility programs and/or to study the state language and/or language of education, by entering relevant information in the electronic journal within 15 days after enrollment (expulsion, interruption of education, renewal and transfer) of a foreigner.
  10. Documents on the education of foreigners enrolled in studies, issued by educational institutions of other states, undergo the procedure of recognition in Ukraine in accordance with the legislation. This requirement does not apply to documents of foreigners studying under academic mobility and internship programs, which do not provide for the award of relevant qualifications/degrees. Based on the results of the recognition procedure, the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Education makes a decision to continue the foreigner’s studies at the level corresponding to the results of the recognition procedure, or to expel the foreigner. In the event that the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine or the University makes a decision to refuse to recognize the provided document about the obtained educational level, including due to its inauthenticity, the University will exclude such a foreigner.
  11. The decision of the admissions committee to enroll an entrant may be canceled by the admissions committee in case of detection of violations on the part of the entrant, namely: submission by the entrant of unreliable personal data, unreliable information about previously acquired education, about the right to enroll under quotas for foreigners. Enrolled persons may be removed from the order of admission to the University at their own will, expelled from the University at their own will, in connection with which the documents submitted by them are returned to such persons, no later than the next day after submitting the application for expulsion. In the event that a person, without good reason, did not start classes within 10 calendar days from their start, the enrollment order is canceled in the part that concerns this person.