One of the current important directions of Mykolayiv National Agrarian University’s effective development is international cooperation.
International cooperation at Mykolayiv National Agrarian University is directed at the realization of the main ideas and requirements of the Bologna Declaration, providing further integration of higher education institutions into the world’s educational and scientific communities.
The Program of University development defines such priority directions of international cooperation as:
- developing direct contacts with leading foreign universities;
- widening the spectrum of educational services for foreigners;
- organizing the academic exchange of teachers, scientists, students, and post-graduate students;
- participating in international scientific forums, seminars, symposiums;
- getting international scientific and educational grants.
Research Center for International Cooperation and Legal Support is a successor of the International Department of the Mykolayiv National Agrarian University and was established in January 2014.
It was a logical and consistent step in the development of the international activities of the University. Nowadays reality requires active contacts with foreign educational institutions and science, new links with the production (including from abroad), and greater integration into the international educational space. Universities have always been a driving force for progress and a generator of ideas for production. It is very important that the contractual relationship between all stakeholders remained in the legal field because of the potential significance of discoveries or inventions.
In addition, international students who chose Mykolayiv National Agrarian University as their Alma Mater will always feel protected having the opportunity of direct contact with experienced legal counsel of the Center.